
Mobile Apps and Applications


Autocross Advantage App

Autocross Advantage: Sports Car Club of America Mobile Racing App [2012]
An application for Android and Kindle devices that allows Solo II/Autocross racers to calculate times, draw a basic course map and a few other basic elements for race day fun.
Download on Google Play or Amazon

Chicago Homicide Map Screenshot

Chicago HSI: Homicide Event Visualization [2007]
An application to research spatial relationships between homicide events in Chicago. This tool is comprised of multiple federal, state, and regional data sources organized into an intuitive visual display. Written in VB.Net.

Twistery Tornado Visualization
Tornado History: Tornado Event Visualization [2006]
A simple program to visualize the history of tornadoes in the United States. The program provides comprehensive data for all recorded tornadoes in the continental United States between 1955 and 1995. Written in VB.Net.
Medical Imaging Tool Screenshot

Medical Image Volume Visualization: [2006]
Application for raw, DICOM/MRI, and VTK image files using ray-casting, splatting, and surface renders. A simply program written against the Visualization Toolkit in Microsoft C#. Completed in 3 weeks.

LGrapher Screenshot
LGrapher: Heightmap Tool [2006]
A simple program to create high-resolution heightmaps from 2D images and sequence them for animation. It also allows the user to compare 2 different data sources as height maps for a quick differential visualization. The program took a few hours to write, but it is useful.
OpenGL Light Demo
OpenGL Light: Teaching Tool [2004]
The OpenGl demonstration tool to demonstrate the interaction of light, geometry and materials in computer graphics. The tool uses C++ OpenGL to demonstrate 4 light types (ambient, directional, point and spot), several materials and a short list of object primitives and 3D models. This is a basic teaching tool for experience-based education.
NFF Parser Example

NFF 3D File Viewer [2004]
3D model and scene viewer based on the now deprecated NFF WorldToolKit 3D scene description files. It supports only wire frame and flat shaded monochromatic renders. Since there are plenty of great 3D model parsers in the world, I am no longer working to improve this program. Included in the source code files (Windows C++)are a few NFF files. The read me file contains the scene navigation controls (mouse dragging and keys).

XSL Editor Screenshot
XSL Editor: Web Design Tool [2003]
A program to help help web designers program XSL (Extensible style sheet Language) and XPATH queries for use with XML. This program was my thesis for Northwestern University's Computer Information systems Masters of Science.
